Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My First Official Hair!! Opinions?

Genre: Hair
Model: Lacestockings
My Opinion: Okay I did this and I kinda like it. I mean, it's definitely not something extraordinary, but it's not that bad...or is it? Short hair is easier so I thought its better for my first, to get the hand of shading and such. It looks ultra shiny, which is good/bad. Good? Looks very chic. Bad? Is it overdone, unreal even for stardoll?
Try: #1 (First Hair!)

Comment! Do you like it? Is it good for a first?


  1. I Love it, and i think it's a very good graphic for a start :)

  2. Thank you! Right now I probably wont post many graphics except for experiments because I am hard at work with my magazine ;)

  3. Wow, I love it!

    I have been making graphics for a while and it is great :)

  4. Thank you! You have? Send me some samples, I'm curious ;) Please follow this blog ;)

  5. it's cool! I'd never have made a hair like that. But I'm still a starter.
